Websites build from the ground up, from design to development.
We are for design wise approach.
Our clients get a pixel perfect website build with latest technologies with comfortable back office.
Websites build from the ground up, from design to development.
We are for design wise approach.
Our clients get a pixel perfect website build with latest technologies with comfortable back office.
[ Avenues Studio ]
Area of specialization: Video editing studio
Work: Web app development / Back office development
Technology: Vue.js, Directus, AWS
Web: www.avenues.studio

[Oded Webman ]
Description: Website for a designer and educator Oded Webman
Area of specialization: Artist
Work: Development
Tech Stack: vue.js, figma, directus, digital ocean

[ Jurgen Ostarhild ]
Description: Website for a Berlin-based artist Jurgen Ostarhild
Area of specialization: Artist
Work: Design and Development
Tech Stack: vue.js, figma, directus, digital ocean

[ Victor Arwas Gallery ]
Area of specialization: Art Gallery
Work: Web app development / Back office development
Technology: Vue.js, Directus, MySQL, AWS
Web: www.victorarwas.com

[ Ariel Reichman ]
Area of specialization: Artist
Work: Development on Squarespace
Technology: JS, Custom Squarespace
Web: www.arielreichman.com

[ 20ft radio ]
Area of specialization: Music
Website design and development on Squarespace.
Mobile app development.
Video and audio streaming connection.
Web: www.20ftradio.net
AWARDS: Nominated to the highest internet honor Webbys Awards, and was chosen as one of 5 world best projects of the 2017 year in WEB/MUSIC. Check out

Area of specialization: Branding, Art Direction, Product Design
Work: Animation and development.
Specifications: CSS, SVG animation. Squarespace.
Web: www.gymnasiumdesignoffice.com

[ University of the Underground + Bureau of Lost Culture ]
Area of specialization: E-Commerce, Auction, Arts
Work: Auction Website Design and Development on Shopify platform
Web: underground.collecteursmagazine.com
Publication: universityoftheunderground.org

[ WYO Artists ]
Area of specialization: Photography
Work: Design and Development.
Specifications: Squarespace.
Web: www.wyoartists.com

[Phosphorus Impefect]
Area of specialization: Design and art production firm.
Work: web design and development on Squarespace
Web: www.phosphorusimperfect.com

[Pari Dukovic]
Area of specialization: Photography
Work: Website Development on Squarespace platform
Web: www.paridukovic.com
Area of specialization: Branding, PR, Events, Social
Work: Website concept, animation and development.
Specifications: Canvas, CSS, SVG animation. Squarespace.
Web: waterbrandgroup.com