Research, Design, and Development to meet business needs.
Research, Design, and Development to meet business needs.
[ Levinberg Architects ]
Description: A website for Tel Aviv based architect
Area of specialization: Architecture
Work: Development
Tech Stack: javascript, XD, Squarespace cms
Web: www.levinbergarchitects.com
[ Fleurs d'hiver ]
Description: A website for unique handmade teas Fleurs d'hiver
Area of specialization: Organic Products
Work: Development
Tech Stack: javascript, XD, Squarespace cms
Web: www.fleursdhiver.com
[ David Obuchovski Architects ]
Description: A website for NY based architectural practice David Obuchovski Architects
Area of specialization: Architecture
Work: Design and Development
Tech Stack: javascript, figma, squarespace cms
Web: www.doarchnyc.com
[ LvivSoft ]
Area of specialization: Software development
Work: Research, Branding, Design, Website development
Tools: Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator
Technologies Stack: Directus, vue.js, Webpack
Web: www.lvivsoft.com
Area of specialization: Software development
Work: Branding, Graphic Design, Icons Set, Website development
Tools: Adobe XD, Figma
Technologies Stack: Squarespace, JavaScript, Ajax
Web: www.olrretail.com
[ Upshow TV ]
Area of specialization: TV
Work: A lot of Lottie animation. Build on Squarespace for Chicago based business services Upshow.tv
Web: www.upshow.tv
[Student Republic]
Area of specialization: Hotels and Accommodations.
Work: Web design and development on Squarespace.
Web: www.studentrepublic.cz
[Joey McFarland (Film Producer)]
Area of specialization: Film Production
Work: Web design and development on Squarespace.
Web: www.joeymcfarland.com
[Peter Evans Partnership]
Area of specialization: Construction and Energy Industry
Work: design, development Squarespace
Web: www.peterevanspartnership.com
Area of specialization: Cryptocurrency
Work: UI/UX, web design and development on Squarespace
Web: taas.fund